Herbal Clean claims that their QCarbo product helps to cleanse the body of unwanted toxins quickly and easily. Many users take QCarbo to help pass a drug test when they know that they may otherwise fail. Herbal Clean does not claim that this product will make you pass a urine test, and it warns that QCarbo does not treat, cure or prevent any disease. As a natural cleansing product, QCarbo may improve results from your diet and exercise plan, eliminate environmental toxins, and promote overall health and well-being, according to Herbal Clean.
Eliminate toxins from your life for 48 hours or more prior to cleansing with the QCarbo product. Abstaining from toxic substances allows the body to begin naturally eliminating unwanted chemicals.
Prime your body for a cleansing program by increasing your intake of naturally detoxifying foods like fresh fruits and vegetables. These foods contains antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and other substances that help your body begin to cleanse itself, according to "The Abs Diet" by David Zinczenko.
Drink the entire bottle of Herbal Clean QCarbo on an empty stomach. Wait at least three hours after your last meal to drink QCarbo. Herbal Clean suggests that you avoid taking in a large meal prior to using the QCarbo product.
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Refill the empty QCarbo container with water. Drink as much water as possible, though not to the point where you experience stomach bloating or gastrointestinal discomfort.
Urinate as frequently as possible to allow the body to eliminate toxins from your system. The natural herbs in QCarbo may cause more frequent urination, which can prove inconvenient to some users. Stay near a restroom and avoid holding in your urine, which slows the elimination of unwanted toxins.
Drink eight or more 16-ounce glasses of water throughout the day to support proper hydration and fluid elimination. "Combat the Fat" author Jeff Anderson recommends this as a strategy to speed up the removal of toxins and promote healthy energy levels. Drink several full glasses of water with each meal, and drink a full glass upon waking.
Discontinue use if you experience nausea, diarrhea, dizziness or cramping.
Do not use QCarbo if you have kidney or gallbladder disease or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Avoid over-the-counter drugs, large amounts of supplemental vitamins, alcohol, acidic liquids, nicotine, caffeine and other toxins during your cleanse. The body simply cannot continue to process and eliminate toxins if you do not eliminate these substances from your diet and cleansing program.
- "The Abs Diet"; David Zinczenko; 2004
- "Combat the Fat"; Jeff Anderson; 2008
- "The Miracle of Fasting"; Paul C. Bragg; 2009
Writer Bio
Andrew Bennett enjoys exploring health and fitness through his personal workouts, as well as researching the latest about the subject. As a natural body builder, Bennett enjoys the ongoing pursuit of health and wellness in all aspects of life. He writes articles, blogs, copy, and even award-winning screenplays.