According to, astrology is “the belief that the stars and planets have effects on human life and affairs.” Your sign of the zodiac is determined by the celestial arrangement at the time of your birth, and if a man was born between July 23 and Aug. 22 his sign is Leo. Many people believe in synastry, which means that certain astrological signs are more compatible than others, so if you're trying to attract a Leo man, consider what the stars say he's looking for in a woman.
An Audience
Leo men love the spotlight, so focus your attention completely on him. Heap on the praise and the admiration—you can never praise a Leo too much. This sign loves flattery as well, so don't be afraid to heap on the superlatives. Tell him that his eyes are the bluest, his biceps are the biggest or his sense of style is the manliest. Be truthful, though; he will recognize insincerity and it will turn him off.
Leos like to stand out, and they appreciate women who stand out, too. You do not have to be beautiful but you do have to be glamorous. Confidence and popularity go a long way toward attracting a man of this sign, so be poised, well-dressed and well-groomed. A Leo man wants the woman by his side to grab his interest with her looks and then keep it with her conversation, so hit the library as well as the salon—you want to be intelligent arm-candy.
A Leo male may be a show-off at times, but he is fiercely loyal and expects that same loyalty from you. Stick up for your Leo when his exuberant nature gets him into trouble. Don't gossip about him behind his back, because if he finds out about it he will be crushed. Stay on his good side, because in addition to being extroverted leadership types, a Leo man is also tender, generous and compassionate—but only if he trusts you. If you are unfaithful to a Leo, you are unlikely to get a second chance.
Leos are passionate people, not just in bed but in all areas of their lives. Be playful and flirtatious. Confidence is a powerful aphrodisiac to this man, so though he may try to walk all over you, don't let him do it. When the teasing starts, give as good as you get if you want to pique his interest. Don't take it too far, though; teasing is one thing, insulting another. If you injure a Leo male's pride or hurt his feelings, it may take him a long time to forgive you.
Writer Bio
Siva Stephens has been a writer since she could hold a pencil. She has written newspaper articles, medical manuals, advertising copy and gags for cartoonists. Stephens has been publishing online since 2004, most recently as a contributing author for the Oregon Encyclopedia Project.