The proper attire for different functions can be a puzzle. While dress codes have relaxed somewhat, there are still certain considerations, and we don’t want to be embarrassed by wearing the wrong thing. For banquets, the dress is dictated by the formality of the occasion.
Some dinners and banquets are formal affairs. For these occasions it is appropriate for women to wear long evening dresses. A shorter dress is also appropriate but should cover the knees. Take care that your dress is comfortable to sit in, as that is what you will be doing for the majority of the banquet. Men should wear a coat and tie.
For business dinners and banquets, women may wear two-piece suits with pants or skirts. If wearing a skirt, it may fall above the knee or slightly below the knee. If the skirt falls above the knee, it should be modest and not rise above mid-thigh when seated. For men, a sport coat or jacket and tie are recommended.
For an informal banquet, casual attire is acceptable. Depending on the occasion, women might wear a nice dress or casual pantsuit. For men, khaki slacks, shirt and sport coat are appropriate.
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Writer Bio
Michele Norfleet is a freelance writer who writes on travel, home and garden and education topics. She has coauthored a handbook for teachers on school-wide discipline and has contributed tips for special-needs students in the basal curriculum for RCL Benziger. Norfleet holds a master's degree from Southern Illinois University and has experience as a special-needs teacher and speech pathologist.