Champagne vinegar and white wine vinegar are both wine vinegars, which are milder in flavor and acidity than other types of vinegar. Champagne vinegar is derived from champagne, while white wine vinegar is made from white wine.
Wine is transformed into vinegar through bacterial activity. When wine is allowed to sour, it turns into acetic acid, which is a very weak acid.
Unlike cider vinegar or distilled vinegar, champagne vinegar and white wine vinegar are only lightly sour, which make them easy to cook with. White wine vinegar is a bit stronger than champagne vinegar, but the two can be easily substituted for each other.
Champagne vinegar and white wine vinegar are favorites for vinaigrettes and marinades. They may also be used to enhance sauces. Both pair especially well with seafood.
Unlike wine, champagne is double fermented, which gives it its fizzy character. Thus, champagne vinegar is lighter and fizzier than white wine vinegar.
You can make champagne vinegar or white vinegar at home by storing leftover champagne or white wine in an open, wide-mouthed container for several weeks. Some cooks cover it with a permeable fabric, such as muslin. The wine or champagne will be converted to vinegar.
Writer Bio
Emily Maggrett has been writing for more than eight years. Her fiction has appeared in "Jeopardy" and "Rivet" and her journalism has appeared in "The Cascadia Weekly" and "The Western Front." Maggrett holds a Bachelor of Arts in English literature from Western Washington University.