Blueberry picking in early morning

Blueberries might be tiny, but these berries pack a powerful nutritious punch. Low in calories and a good source of fiber and Vitamin C, blueberries also are considered one of the best sources of antioxidants, according to Prevention Magazine dietitian Holly McCord. Blueberries are versatile, so it's easy to incorporate the fruit into your diet. Although flavorful on their own, you can add natural sweeteners to blueberries if you prefer a sweeter taste.

Rinse 1 cup of blueberries just before serving and place into a bowl. Do not rinse the blueberries until you are ready to eat them because the added moisture causes the berries to spoil faster.

Decide on the sweetener of your choice. Table sugar is most commonly used to sweeten plain blueberries. Honey also is combined with blueberries, as well as sweetened yogurt and heavy cream.

Pour the sweetener over the blueberries to reach your desired taste. Sprinkle 1 tbsp. of sugar at a time over the berries, tasting as you go to prevent over-sweetening. Honey is sweeter than sugar, so add honey by the teaspoonful. If you are using yogurt or heavy cream to sweeten the berries, add about 1/4 cup of yogurt or cream to the bowl. Feel free to add more to your liking.


Try adding brown sugar instead of white sugar to sweeten the blueberries for a more caramelized flavor.