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Sterilization of metal is a process where germs present on the metal are killed to avoid creating infection from the metal use. Cleaning alone is not enough for sterilization. In addition to a thorough cleaning, you’ll need to apply heat in the form of boiling water. The heat kills the germs without damaging the metal in the process, leaving the metal in a sterile condition and ready for use.

Place a clean pot that’s large enough to submerge the metal into water onto a stove.

Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water. Rinse the soap from your hands with warm running water then dry with a clean towel. Cover your cleaned hands with a pair of sterile gloves.

Clean the metal with a combination of mild soap and warm water. Rinse the metal off with running warm water. Check the metal carefully after rinsing to ensure that you’ve removed all traces of the soap.

Place the metal into the pot. Cover it with water, making sure it’s completely submerged beneath the water’s surface. Cover the pot with its lid.

Turn the stove on to a setting that will boil the water contained in the pot. Wait for the water to boil then set a timer for 15 minutes. Allow the water to boil the metal for the full 15-minute period.

Use a pair of oven mitts to remove the pot from the stove and place it onto a heat-resistant surface. Allow the pot and it’s contents to cool to room temperature.

Pour the water from the pot. Change into a new pair of sterile gloves and remove the metal from the pot. Use the item immediately.


Store the sterile items inside the lid-covered pot if you intend them for later use.


Sterilization by boiling is not recommended for medical use as some germs may remain or settle onto the metal between the moment of sterilization and the time of use.