Calcium deposits are salts that harden and form a bump under the skin. Though the cause is somewhat unknown, it is believed to be a symptom indicating a loss of bone mass, similar to osteoporosis. Bone loss is caused when the body does not absorb enough calcium due to Vitamin D, K and magnesium deficiencies, according to WebMD. Though they are mostly harmless -- depending where they appear on the body -- calcium deposits can be painful and unsightly. Before opting for surgery, there are natural remedies that can be used to help treat your scalp.
Take vitamins. Magnesium, vitamin K and vitamin D supplements help aid in calcium absorption and bone growth.
According to Cedars-Sinai, "Low magnesium levels can result in calcium deposition in soft tissues. Therefore magnesium supplementation may prevent the formation of calcifications."
Avoid eating dairy products or calcium-rich foods in excess. You should consult your physician or pharmacist about the amount of calcium you need, and try to avoid taking more than required.
According to WebMD, "average women in the United States are consuming less than 500 milligrams of calcium per day in their diet, less than the recommended amounts."
Eat more greens. Spinach, kelp, collared greens and other green-colored vegetables and plants are rich in vitamin K.
Wash your hair with a palm full of dishwashing liquid and a squeeze of lemon juice. Scrub into your scalp, and let sit for two to three minutes. Rinse your hair. These items help remove oil and buildup from your hair. Do this once a week.
Apply one-part apple cider vinegar mixed with one-part honey -- known as oxymel -- to the calcium deposit with a cotton swab. If you can seal in the vinegar and honey mixture with the deposit, for example with an adhesive bandage, it would be more beneficial. If not, apply the oxymel mixture two to three times a day.
Jonny Bowden, author of Most Effective Natural Cures on Earth, writes, "In fact, oxymel -- a combination of apple cider vinegar and honey -- has been widely used to dissolve painful calcium deposits in the body . . . "
Do not aggravate the calcium deposit. If scrubbing is too harsh, do not push against your scalp when shampooing.
If the calcium deposit gets bigger, or unbearably painful, consult your physician.
Writer Bio
Krista Lee Childers has been actively writing since 1998. Her work, both creative and journalistic, has been featured in several school-affiliated publications including "Euphemism" and "The Indy." Childers' favorite subjects to write about are arts, crafts and hobbies. She received a Bachelor of Science in print journalism from Illinois State University with a minor in technical writing.