When handling a piercing, it is important to maintain proper hygiene and handling of the jewelry and surrounding area. To begin, always wash your hands and never touch a belly ring that is infected. For best results, always take your time and move with caution. If you follow these basic guidelines, you can change your belly ring and ward off infection.
Sanitize your navel. Wash it with antibacterial soap, then soak a cotton ball in hydrogen peroxide and wipe the area around your navel, but do not soak the ring or pour peroxide into the piercing. Allow the area to air dry for several seconds.
Twist the ball that fastens the top curve of the ring until it comes undone (for a horseshoe belly ring). Put aside. Grab the second ball and guide the ring through the pierced skin. Pull the ring down and out until it is completely removed.
Flaten the body of the ring (for a closed ring). Press the ring downward against your index finger so it lays flat upon the surface of your finger. Use your thumb to apply light pressure to the center of the ring where the ball links the two curves of the ring into a "closed circle." Continue to apply pressure. The ball is held between two grooves that allow the two ends of the ring to "close." Slide the ring through the pierced skin and remove.
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Maintain the piercing. Using fishing line, pull the plastic line through the opening in the skin and out through the other end of the piercing. When inserting the new jewelry, allow the fishing line to guide the new jewelry. Because of the curve and general nature of how a navel is pierced, it can be difficult to push jewelry through the pierced skin. In some cases, the jewelry can feel lost inside the folds of the navel. Fishing line will help to guide the ring or rod back out so it can be fastened and worn.
To reopen a piercing, see a professional.