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If you're not in love with the freckles or dark spots that appear on your skin, you may be looking for a way to lighten these marks on your skin. The citric acid in lemons can be used as a lightening agent, and when combined with glycerin makes a skin lightening lotion. Test this lemon skin lightener lotion on a small patch of skin before using it to make sure you don't have an adverse reaction.

Strain 2 oz. of juice from fresh lemons. You can help loosen the juice by rolling the lemon on a counter before you cut it, or you can put it in the microwave for just a few seconds. Do not put it in the microwave for too long, as you want the juice in it to be released but not start cooking.

Pour the 2 oz. of lemon juice in a clean container. Add 1 oz. of light or medium rum, then add the 1 tsp. glycerin.

Shake all the ingredients together until they are mixed well. Apply the lotion to the spots you wish to lighten. You may need to use the lotion regularly for a month or so before seeing results. Refrigerate when not in use.


For more stubborn areas such as the elbows or knees, cut a lemon in half and rub it on the area for a few seconds.


Do not go in the sun with the lemon lotion on your skin, as it may cause you to be more sensitive to the sun. Do not apply the lotion right after waxing or shaving.