Santy Gibson/Demand Media

Exfoliation of your legs doesn't have to be complicated or expensive. You can remove dry skin and small surface bumps in minutes using common household ingredients. Follow a few simple steps to enjoy attractive, healthy looking legs.

Santy Gibson/Demand Media

Make an exfoliation scrub. Combine granulated sugar or sea salt with a little water, honey or your favorite body oil to form a paste. The granules have a mild abrasive property.

Santy Gibson/Demand Media

Step into your bath or shower. Keep the water temperature warm to open the pores.

Santy Gibson/Demand Media

Apply the exfoliation scrub to your legs. Start at the ankles. Use your fingertips or palm and gently rub in a circular pattern as you gradually move upward. Cover the entire surface of the legs including the shins, calves, knees and thighs.

Santy Gibson/Demand Media

Rinse off the exfoliation scrub. It now contains dead skin cells. To remove thick scrubs, try an exfoliation mitt. These are made of loofah, sisal or nylon mesh. Their texture also promotes blood circulation and new skin cell growth. Use cold water for a final rinse to close the pores.

Santy Gibson/Demand Media

Dry your legs with a towel. Lubricate them using your favorite moisturizer. Massage your skin to reach thirsty pores.


Exfoliation scrubs are available commercially in stores carrying health and beauty products. To maintain smooth legs, make exfoliation part of your skin care routine twice weekly. If you use an exfoliation mitt, don't forget to rinse it thoroughly. Residual dead skin cells and exfoliation scrub promote bacterial growth.


Don't use hot water during exfoliation. It dries the skin cells.