Close-Up Of Brown Sugar And Spoon On White Background
Tom Blizzard / EyeEm/EyeEm/GettyImages

Brown sugar sold in supermarkets is often made by adding molasses to refined white granulated sugar. For some recipes, brown sugar can replace white sugar, while other recipes may call for you to dissolve the brown sugar. Although this process is simple and takes little time, dissolving the brown sugar does require adding liquid to it, such as water. If not added, the sugar will melt into a thick syrup that, upon drying, may become a molasses-tasting sticky lump.

Pour 1 cup of brown sugar into a small saucepan. It doesn't matter if you use light, medium or dark brown sugar.

Add 1 cup of water, and place the saucepan on the stove. Heat the pan on medium, and stir constantly with a whisk until the mixture is dissolved. Heating the brown sugar and water is not necessary but will dissolve the sugar faster.

Use the dissolved brown sugar however you want.