Capsaicin is the culprit responsible for the burn in your mouth when you eat spicy foods like jalapenos. The amount of capsaicin in jalapenos is measured in Scoville heat units, named after the pharmacist, Wilbur Scoville, who developed the method for accurately measuring heat in different types of chilies. Though many other peppers are hotter, the jalapeno contains enough capsaicin to cause a burning sensation that is painful for some people and pleasurable for others.
Drink milk. Milk products' protein traps the jalapeno’s volatile oils and washes them out of your mouth, according to the North Dakota State University Agriculture Communication website.
Eat yogurt or ice cream. For the best effect, allow these treats to linger in your mouth for a few seconds before swallowing.
Chew a spoonful of sugar.
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Rub the gel of an aloe vera plant stem onto jalapeno burns on your skin. Alternatively, wash the affected area with a dairy product, rubbing alcohol or warm, soapy water. Rubbing the burn with cooking oil and letting it set for a moment before rinsing may also relieve the pain. Avoid receiving jalapeno burns on your hands by wearing rubber gloves while handling raw chili peppers.
Do not rub your nose or eyes with hands that have jalapeno juice on them. If you do get burns in these sensitive areas, use saline solution to wash the tissue until pain subsides.
Writer Bio
Jo Burns has been a freelance writer since 1980. She specializes in articles relating to home and garden, alternative health care, travel, writing and crafting. In 2007, Burns received an M.F.A. in creative writing.