
By learning how to convert bake times for a muffin pan, you can turn any cake recipe into bite-sized treats. Cooks use muffin pans, also known as muffin tins, to create both muffins and cupcakes. Lola Akinmade explains the popularity of cupcakes in particular by writing for Forbes Traveler: "Vividly decorated, self-contained pockets of sugary goodness, cupcakes are one of the few items that can make even the grumpiest adult feel like a kid again." You can cheer up family members and friends, no matter what their favorite flavors are, once you know how to convert baking times.

Reduce the bake time listed in your cake recipe to the correct amount of time based on the particular size of your muffin pan. You don't need an elaborate mathematical formula to convert bake times for a muffin pan. Instead of starting with the time listed in your recipe, use your pan size as a handy guide.

Bake muffins or cupcakes in mini muffin pans for eight to 10 minutes. Place one heaping tablespoon of batter in the pan for each muffin. This size of a pan yields about five dozen muffins or cupcakes.

Bake muffins or cupcakes in standard-sized pans for 18 to 20 minutes. Place one-fourth to one-third of a cup of batter in the pan for each muffin. This size of a pan usually yields two dozen muffins or cupcakes.

Bake muffins or cupcakes in jumbo-sized pans for 20 to 24 minutes. Place one-half to two-thirds of a cup of batter in the pan for each muffin. This size of a pan yields one dozen muffins or cupcakes.


  • Two 8- or 9-inch pans of cake batter typically require 30 to 35 minutes in the oven, so you'll reduce this time by at least 10 minutes for standard-sized muffin pans. A sheet cake generally takes 45 to 50 minutes to bake, so you'll reduce this time by at least 25 minutes for standard-sized muffin pans. Bundt cakes generally need to bake for 55 to 60 minutes, so you'll reduce that cooking time by at least 35 minutes for standard-sized muffin pans.

  • Test your muffins or cupcakes to be sure they are done by inserting a toothpick in the center of one. If it comes out clean or with just a few crumbs, your treat is ready to eat. If you aren't using cupcake liners, you can also look to be sure that the edges start to come away from the sides of the pan.