Santy Gibson/Demand Media

Beef tenderloin is considered to be the most tender cut of beef available. If prepared correctly, a homemade broiled tenderloin can taste just as good as it does in a fancy restaurant. Broiling is an ideal method of preparing meat because there is little mess and it is relatively simple.

Broiling a Tenderloin

Santy Gibson/Demand Media

An ideal tenderloin for broiling is a medium-cut, meaning that it should be less than 1 1/2 inches thick. If you are unsure of what a medium-cut is, ask your grocer or butcher for assistance.

Santy Gibson/Demand Media

To marinate, place the steak in a bowl, coat it in the marinade of your choice and cover the bowl. If you are going to marinate your tenderloin for more than 30 minutes, place the steak in the refrigerator.

Santy Gibson/Demand Media

Turn your oven to broil and let it preheat.

Santy Gibson/Demand Media

Conservatively spray your broiler pan with cooking spray. If you do not have a broiler pan, a cookie sheet will work.

Santy Gibson/Demand Media

When the oven has reached broiling temperature, place the steak on the broiler pan and carefully place in the oven.

Santy Gibson/Demand Media

Keep an eye on your steak while it is broiling. Different ovens broil at different rates, but typically your steak should broil for 8 to 20 minutes. Make sure that you flip your steak with tongs in order to keep from piercing the meat. In order to determine if the steak is done, listen to the sound of its sizzle. The more your steak cooks, the louder the sizzling will get. Also, prod the steak with your tongs to determine how thoroughly cooked it is. The more the meat bounces back from the prodding, the more done it is. Broil the steak for approximately 4 minutes per side for rare, 5 to 7 minutes per side for medium rare, 8 to 9 minutes per side for medium and 10 minutes per side for well done.

Santy Gibson/Demand Media

When your steak is cooked to your liking, remove the broiler pan from the oven. Let the tenderloin rest for about five minutes so that all of the juices will soak in.


Tenderloin is typically a higher quality cut of meat and does not normally require any more seasoning or marinade than a rub of salt and pepper.