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All body piercings require a certain time to fully heal and shouldn't be exposed to direct sunlight or tanning beds during that time. Exposure to sunlight or UV rays when the piercing is fresh may result in burning, scarring or over-drying of the skin around the nose piercing. However, you may tan in a tanning bed with a nose piercing, as long as you follow these tips carefully, otherwise you may develop scarring or even infection around the nose piercing. If you have healed piercings, the risks associated with tanning beds decrease slightly.

Wait for the nose piercing to fully heal before using a tanning bed. According to Akron's Children's Hospital the healing time for a nostril piercing is two to four months; for a nasal septum piercing — between the nostrils — the healing time is six to eight months and for a nasal bridge piercing — on the bridge of the nose between the eyes — the healing time is eight to ten weeks. You will know that the piercing has healed when there is no redness around it and when you can touch the piercing and even remove it without feeling any pain.

Check on your piercing to make sure that an infection hasn't developed and that the area has fully healed. If you see redness, feel a bump, discomfort or pain, the area may be infected. Neither the piercing nor the area immediately surrounding it should be red, swollen or inflamed and the pierced area shouldn't hurt when you touch it. There shouldn't be any discharge such as pus around the piercing. These signs may indicate infection and should be checked out by a doctor. If the area is red and itches, you may simply be allergic to the metal of your nose ring.

Cleanse the area around the piercing, and the piercing itself, using antibacterial soap and water, not alcohol, right before tanning. Put the piercing back in. The main worry about having piercings in while tanning is that lotion or other residue will become trapped in or under it, which is not beneficial for skin while in a tanning bed since it may result in swelling or infection. Apply sunscreen around the piercing, not under it.

Tan in a tanning bed with your piercing in place and uncovered.

Apply antibacterial moisturizing lotion or cream or after-tanning lotion right after tanning to the area around the piercing to prevent skin from drying out or peeling.


If in doubt about whether your piercing has fully healed and is not infected, ask a professional such as someone who deals with body piercings professionally or a dermatologist.