William Alan Photo/Demand Media

Sage is an herb that is known for its healing and medicinal properties. People have burned sage since ancient times to cleanse and purify objects and homes. Proponents of sage burning, also known as smudging, believe that the sage smoke is a way to bless your home and dispel it of negative energy and influences. You might wish to burn sage to purify and cleanse your current home or a new residence before moving in.

William Alan Photo/Demand Media

Purchase dried sage that is tied in bundles with cotton string at a health food or new-age store.

William Alan Photo/Demand Media

Pour a layer of clean sand into a metal container or ceramic dish.

William Alan Photo/Demand Media

Place one bundle of sage into the container.

William Alan Photo/Demand Media

Light the sage with a match, and then blow out the flame. Allow the smoke to billow up out of the container as the sage smolders.

William Alan Photo/Demand Media

Disperse the smoke throughout your home by placing the smoking container in different rooms, allowing the sage to penetrate each area that you wish to cleanse.

William Alan Photo/Demand Media

Place the sage outside and allow it to burn itself out, or run it under cool water.


Cleanse each room of your home, including all corners, door frames and windows.


Be careful not to fill the areas you're cleansing with too much sage smoke.

Do not breathe in the smoke directly.