
Before you click the bid button for a Cole Haan purse on eBay or buy a purse from a street vendor, take a second to think about the purchase. That purse could be a fake, and the difference is important. Knockoff purses are of inferior quality and will not last nearly as long as the name-brand version. Plus, buying a knockoff helps support the illegal practice of copyright infringement. Learn how to determine if a Cole Haan bag is the real thing or just a cheap imitation.

Feel the leather. Leather on a designer bag has a very particular feel. It should be soft, smooth and supple. When you bend it the leather shouldn't crinkle. If the leather has a plastic-like feel or is hard, then it probably isn't Cole Haan.

Check the credentials. If the bag doesn't come with a Cole Haan authenticity card, take a pass on it.

Cole Haan bags cost around $300 to $12,000. If you are purchasing a new one for a deeply discounted price, such as $25, you are more than likely getting a fake.


When buying purses on Ebay, make sure to look closely at the photo provided to check for signature-engraved charm. Also, don't be afraid to ask if the purse comes with a Cole Haan authenticity card.