Lip primer made with beeswax and mica minerals

Lip primer is used as a sort of foundation for your lips, before applying lipstick or gloss. It fills the fine lines and wrinkles of your lips to prevent lip color from bleeding into the cracks, making them more pronounced. Making your own lip primer at home is a cost-effective alternative to buying expensive cosmetics from retailers. It also provides a creative way to start your own personal cosmetic collection.

Combine the wax beads and rose hip oil in a small glass bowl.

Microwave the bowl on high for 30 seconds.

Add the powdered mica minerals to the bowl of melted wax and oil.

Mix the contents of the bowl together thoroughly with the spoon, until the consistency is smooth and creamy.

Microwave the bowl for an additional 15 seconds.

Spoon the melted mixture into the roll-on applicator bottle until it is full and screw the lid on tightly.

Sit the bottle of warm primer in your freezer for 24 hours, before letting it sit at room temperature for use.


  • Add different colored mica minerals to create different hues for your lip primer.